Donate via Paypal

Daven for you every night at Chatzos
A special tzaddik and masmid, who devotes hours to limud Torah and tefilla at Chatzos, during the auspicious midnight hours when the gates of Shemayim are open, will pray for you during the midnight hours
$101/month X 12

Daven for you every night at Chatzos
Two masmidim, true tzaddikim who devote hours to limud Torah and tefilla at Chatzos, during the auspicious midnight hours when the gates of Shemayim are open, will pray for you during the midnight hours
$180/month X 12

Daven for you every night at Chatzos
Three masmidim, true tzaddikim who devote hours to limud Torah and tefilla at Chatzos, during the auspicious midnight hours when the gates of Shemayim are open, will pray for you during the midnight hours
$250/month X 12

Minyan "Ben"
The merit of one Avreich from Kollel Chatzot learning for 10 hours at the auspicious hours of chatzot

A Single Donation
The merit of one Avreich from Kollel Chatzot learning for 20 hours at the auspicious hours of chatzot

10 times Chay
The merit of one Avreich from Kollel Chatzot learning for 36 hours at the auspicious hours of chatzot
$180  or

One night of the Kollel's Torah study dedicated in the donor's merit. You can specify any requested day (Hebrew date) unless reserved.
$480  or

$2600 - One week of the Kollel's Torah study dedicated in the donor's merit. You can specify any requested day (Hebrew date) unless reserved.
$2600  or

Hot beverages
Cover the expences for Hot beverages and biscuits (after davening). Segula for "Zera bar kaima" from the Ben Ish Chay.


Lighting the Kollel
$1000 Light for Lomdey Torah - to cover electricity costs. Mesugal for health and nachas from the offspring.

Gematria of קמח - נצח
$148 Gematria of קמח - נצח .

Any Other Sum
Donation Amount:
Number of Payments:

Submit your Kvittel:
To the avrechim of the Kollel Please daven during Chatzot for the Zechus of the following names:
Name to Daven and Learn For Zechus of
Mother's Name
Name to Daven and Learn For Zechus of
Mother's Name
Name to Daven and Learn For Zechus of
Mother's Name
Name to Daven and Learn For Zechus of
Mother's Name
First Name
Last Name
Billing Street
Billing City
Billing State
Billing Zip

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Your tax deductable donation (under the U.S. IRS 501c3 tax code, U.S. tax number: 20-0447034, of Congregation Zicron Avos, Kollel Chatzot) will be completed by PayPal Business Services.

You may contact us by E-mail for any other preferable method of payment.